Blueberry, Cranberry (Vaccinium)
Blueberry, Cranberry Genus Details
This group is composed of deciduous and evergreen shrubs with heights that vary from 1 to over 12 feet tall, depending on the species. The plants have small, white, bell-shaped flowers in early to mid-summer that are followed by edible fruit. The leaves have a brilliant scarlet color in the fall.
Blueberry, Cranberry Allergy Info
No significant allergenicity has been reported since flowers are primarily insect-pollinated.
Blueberry, Cranberry Pollen Description
No pollen description is currently available.
Species in This Genus
Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Blueberry, Cranberry (Vaccinium) is a genus of the ERICACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: